vincent pushed to master at vincent/knx-groupfinder
- 1e9c12e424 ranges in nl output possible
vincent pushed to master at vincent/knx-groupfinder
- 12f0643a83 use GA class
vincent pushed to master at vincent/knx-groupfinder
- 9a95a8add6 add simple command line opts
vincent pushed to master at vincent/knx-groupfinder
- 9e2e13f32c filter script
vincent created repository vincent/knx-groupfinder
vincent pushed to master at vincent/alnx-build
- 3ed00e2d37 sudoers-builduser
vincent pushed to master at vincent/alnx-build
- f06acfaa2d sudoers-builduser
vincent pushed to master at vincent/alnx-build
- 2adf81aefe copy script to container
- 4e5fbb94b9 initial commit
vincent created repository vincent/alnx-build
vincent pushed tag 1.0 to vincent/calltoj
vincent released "CallToJ v1.0" at vincent/calltoj
vincent pushed to master at vincent/calltoj
- b016db5eeb fat jar
- d04a1e146e config support
- 2c6ca541e0 config support
- bdabf0017a Initial
vincent created repository vincent/calltoj