#!/bin/bash action=$@ gateway= snom_webadmin_user=admin snom_webadmin_pw=x7eff15 hostname_snom=snom765-901777.getcom.de echo "_______________________________________________">> /tmp/action-handler-last-calls.log date +%Y-%m-%d" "%H:%m:%S >> /tmp/action-handler-last-calls.log number="$(echo $action | sed -e 's/callto://' | sed -e 's/tel://' | sed -e 's/sip://' | sed -e "s/+49/0/" | sed -e "s/-//g" | sed -e "s/%20//g")" current_gateway="$(route -n | grep ^ | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u)" if [ -z $number ] then echo "Usage: `basename $0` [PHONE NUMBER]" exit 0 fi # precondition: # user.prefs of Firefox including: # # network.http.phishy-userpass-length 5 # network.protocol-handler.expose.callto true # network.protocol-handler.expose.tel false # network.protocol-handler.external.callto true # network.protocol-handler.warn-external.callto false # network.protocol-handler.app.callto /usr/local/bin/action-handler-callto.sh # network.protocol-handler.app.tel /usr/local/bin/action-handler-callto.sh if [ "$gateway" = "$current_gateway" ] then echo "@home: using Snom phone to dial number: $number (action=$action)" | tee -a /tmp/action-handler-last-calls.log lynx --source -auth=$snom_webadmin_user:$snom_webadmin_pw "http://$hostname_snom/command.htm?number=$number&outgoing_uri=URI" >/tmp/action-handler-last-uri.html else echo "@outside: using linphone to dial number: $number (action=$action)" | tee -a /tmp/action-handler-last-calls.log /usr/bin/linphone -c "$number" \&\& fi exit 0